Saturday, September 13, 2014

Another T-shirt Quilt Finished.

This quilt was requested by a co-worker of a church friend. I had made her a t-shirt quilt for her daughter's graduation {Brook's Quilt). After her friend saw it, she wanted one for her granddaughter from her t-shirts.

It was a bit of a challenge figuring the layout with four shirts that were wider and longer than the others but I think they worked out great in the middle.

I really wish more people understood what all goes into the making of a quilt. Ideally the person requesting it will be involved in the final design to make any changes as needed.

Most people only think about the 'quilting', not about the materials that go into it. T-shirt quilts are handled different to keep them from stretching when being sewn. Special backing is ironed on after blocks are cut, lattice between the blocks is next, then fabrics for borders. After the quilt top is done, you need batting and the backing fabric. I use low loft batting for t-shirt quilts since they make a heavy quilt. The quilting is done next, then trimmed up and more fabric for the binding.

There is a considerable amount of work  materials going into making a quilt that many people are not aware of. Part of the problem may be the mass produced 'cheap' quilts coming from other countries.

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