Saturday, June 20, 2015


I participated in our secret prayer sister ministry at our church this year and really enjoyed it.  It was hard to be secret though but I did try. One thing my secret sister likes is turtles and I saw a turtle quilt on facebook that a fellow quilter posted. She is an excellent quilter and did a fantastic job on her quilt. Thanks for the idea Kristie Layne.
I saved and printed off a full size picture of it and drew lines to count blocks to get the pattern. It took me awhile to put it together and was in a hurry to get it done for my secret sister's Christmas gift. I got it all done and quilted it only to discover that I put it together wrong in several spots. The top legs and the bottom. What to do??
Well, the more I thought about it, I decided to give it to her anyway. I wrote a note trying to throw her off my identity since she knows I am a quilter. I told her that I "found" this cute little "blanket" and thought of her. I also told her that I noticed that it was not perfect but that is  \the way we all are and why we need God in our lives.

We had our secret sister reveal dinner this week and I found that I did not fool her. She said she was puzzled for awhile after getting my note but really thought it was me. 

I was upset with myself for not getting that one done correctly so I put together another top and I think it is right!  Check out the difference between the two quilts.

After I got it all done, I found something else, which would have made it a lot easier but still did pretty good with no pattern.