Jacob's 'Buddy' Quilt
Jacob, our daughter's middle child, reminds me so much of our middle child - his uncle Jay.
Always with a gleam in their eyes and are mischievous and teasing but have a big heart and would give the shirt off their back if someone needed it. They are always willing to help.
Jacob has been a good “buddy” to his older brother, “Big Red”, who has Aspergers and needs a little extra help from time to time. It may be actual help or just giving him the alone and quiet time he needs, but Jacob understands this.
His is also a great big brother and buddy to sis “Little Red”, helping, playing with her and teaching her. In addition, he helps Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa are very proud of him.
I hope this quilt will be a good buddy to him for a long time.
Making "Buddy". I made an error when I used the tan fabric. It is a lightweight velour and I did not realize it would stretch when I tried to quilt it. So I quilting every thing else and tied that fabric using the layout below for spacing but not quite that many ties. He does look a bit furry, though!