Darlin' is picking up a lot of nicknames - Lil Darlin' - Lil Devil and now Chewy!! She has been chewing on the new dog toys and they seem to be pretty sturdy. She wasn't really interested until I started putting treats in them - that's the KONG toys. She has not touched the Nylabone puppy chew rings- they are very hard. May have to do a bit if creative engineering to get her to go after them.
Both Darlin' and Daisy like the smidge of peanut butter I smeared into the cracks of the toys and I poked a small bit of dog "cookie" in the end after they got as much of the peanut butter as they could out. I will be washing dog toys on a regular basis but as long as they chew on them and NOT ON MY STUFF, I'm OK with that.
Now if I can convince them, Darlin' in particular, to not take the toys outside . . . I do take them away when they let up chewing on them but as soon as I give them to them, she immediately heads for the doggie door. I had to retrieve it four times from the back yard - she is FAST! I am trying to get her to go to the mailbox with me, without doing the Family Circus, taking 10 laps around the yard before she goes a few yards to the box.
I still am finding little green tufts of stuffing on the floor. They come from her dog bed where she chewed a corner. I always show it to her before I throw it away and put her bed up and she hangs her head and runs outside. I think she is still unhappy that I took ALL her bedding away so she sleeps in an empty kennel. "Mean Ole Mom". I threw most of the bedding away since it resembled Swiss cheese - she even ate her name off the little blanket I embroidered for her. She had started on Daisy's bedding as well so I shut and latch her door to her kennel in the morning. Darlin' can open both of them if they are not latched. See what I go through!!!
Seriously though, she is a really good dog and just getting through the puppy part. We still have not figured out, for sure, her breed. She was advertised (on Craigs List) as a Chipin (part chihuahua/part miniature pincher), like Daisy but she sure doesn't look like her now.
I did see a picture on that site that looks kinda like her but those long legs are something else. When she runs she just flies through the air so gracefully that she reminds us of a gazelle. So glad she comes pretty well when called as I am not sure we could catch her. The first picture resembles Daisy and the second, Darlin'.

This was on the Craig's List ad. She is the little one.
She has come a long way from these pictures when we first got her and she was a poor little abused puppy. She was not even tall enough to go through the doggie door, then. Now she flies through it.
We have been blessed with some really good dogs who are great companions and we spoil them but they spoil us too!! Never thought about it 'til someone mentioned it - we seem to be stuck on the"D's". Our beloved Dachshunds were Dach and Dora and now we have Daisy and Darlin'. They are our babies!