Check out this website for places to get some great recycled products for a worthy cause. Using recycled paper products and plastic bags, they make necklaces, bracelets, change purses and purses.
These are the ones I got.

These are the ones I got.

"The fish played an important part in the story of Jesus. The FISH BRACELET is a reminder of several aspects of that story.
One of the first miracles of Jesus involved luckless fishermen who had caught nothing. Jesus told them where to fish and they could not bring in the overfilled nets. He then called Peter, Andrew, James and John to be fishers of men.
Jesus said. In John 6:35, “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE, WHOEVER COMES TO ME WILL NEVER GO HUNGRY” He said this to explain his miracle of feeding the five thousand. He meant this in a spiritual sense.You can tell this story on your bracelet.
Twist your bracelet so it is flat and resembles a loaf of flat round bread like you would find in the Holy Land. Jesus took 5 of these loaves and two fish and fed 5000 people. Your bracelet is the shape of two fish when it is on your arm.
There are some FISH BRACELETS that tell the Salvation Story.
Their color scheme is:
Black, which represents our sinful souls without Jesus.
Red is for the Blood of Christ.
White indicates our souls after they have been cleansed by Christ’s blood.
Green, like springtime, indicates new growth in Christ.
Gold is for an eternal home in Heaven.
Wearing your FISH BRACELET is an easy way to let people know you are a Christian and tell a part of the story of the Gospel.
For more about paper jewelry and other products go to
Philippine Mission
FISH BRACELET sales help fund a Philippine livelihood program that stresses TRADE NOT AID. Buying these cottage industry products help people to feed themselves, educate themselves and become spiritually strong.. This livelihood program goes hand in hand with a husbandry and agricultural self help program.
Paul Reeves Paul Reeves