Forty-nine years, two sons, a daughter, two daughter-in-laws, a son-in-law, four grandsons, three granddaughters, a great grandson, and three great granddaughters!! And it all started with a blind date.
I pray that God will give Jerry and I many more happy and healthy years together.
Happy 49th Anniversary
Jerry, I Love You!
Jerry, I Love You!
One more time-
It was such a pretty day we decided to
take a walk,
And we had not gone ten steps
before I knew
That you and I are long past
the point of no return.
Hand in hand we go
Still close, still loving,
Still looking and overlooking
The flaws we hide from others.
Side by side we move,
Sometimes closer, sometimes farther apart
Because of ways we read and talk,
Agree and disagree.
Step by step we advance
Against the cynics,
Those all-knowing unknowings who honestly think
Marriage is dead.
But how can marriage be dead
In a world I choose to walk with you?
How can marriage be dead,
So long as we still seek, still cling,
still want each other?
So at this corner of our life,
Stop and listen to me now, my love,
I still seek,
I still cling,
I still want
To walk the rest of the way with you.
In this uncertain world
This much I know for certain:
I still love you.