We miss Daisy. . .
Receiving sudden devastating news about a very well loved pet is very traumatic. All you think is you love them and don’t want them to suffer. Sometimes we make decisions that we rethink later. Don't make a quick decision if your pet is not in a lot of pain. If there is time to take them home even for a little while, do it, so there is more time for owners and companions and family to prepare for the loss.

It is hard when the tears just won't stop flowing and you don't know how to make them. And watching the companions walk around looking for their best friend doesn't make it any easier.
We miss . . . Daisy!!
Thank you Lord for giving us six wonderful years with this sweet girl.
We miss her squeaky little whine that got us up in the mornings.
We miss her constantly wanting to play with her toys.
Her herding large balls through the house and back yard and her little whine for help when she got it stuck in the corner.
We miss telling her to bring the toy closer, closer- that we couldn’t reach. We miss her “shakes, sits and high fives”!
We miss her “helping” with laundry – shaking pillowcases and sheets after I took them off the beds, then dragging them into the hallway.
She was the instigator of many things. She trained Darlin' and Coco to let us know at that 9:00 am was "cookie" time and 9:00 pm was snack before bedtime.
She trained Coco to empty out the toybox all over the floor.
We miss the wonderful welcomes when we came home even if we were only gone for a few minutes.
We miss Daisy but know she is now where she is at peace with no pain and was well loved.