Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our Valued Seniors

HD and I have been spending a lot of time at our Senior Center and are truly grateful for our Seniors. They are special people and are very welcoming, even to us, part of the “kids” of the gathering. They are good spirited mostly – sometimes I think the domino games get a bit wild! Our resident trouble makers Therenni and Earnie (just kidding) pitch in along that line as well but it's all in fun. We have a good group there, just to name a few: Mozelle, Margaret, Therennie, Earnie, Ron, Bobby Jack, Rufus, Priscilla, Harold, Aubrey, Jewel, Amelia, WD, Ray, Wilma, Michelle, Troy, and Mr. Odom. I still have not learned all the names yet of those attending.
The Center is a wonderful place for them to come, get a good nutritious meal for a very reasonable price and enjoy great companionship. The age group is wide spread from the 50's to the 90's. They also have a volunteers to do meals on wheels for those in the community who cannot attend.

The Center is a product of the city of Cross Plains and is managed by a wonderful young woman named Amber. She is the busiest lady I have ever met. She makes sure all is done at the center and if someone is absent, she calls or goes by to check on them. The kitchen staff are great cooks and include: Arlene, Barbara, Martha and at times volunteers, Era Lee and others. Esther is at the front desk as the greeter and takes the money and donations. Ambers two younger children help as well and her older son does what he can when not working.
Some of the activities the seniors enjoy in addition to the good meals are: dominoes, playing pool, jigsaw puzzles, manicures, bingo – (with prized and sometimes with root beer floats) blood pressure checks and shopping trips to Walmart. Sometimes they have local citizens come in to sing, play the piano or guitar. Amber recently arranged to have the US and Texas flag set so we can say the pledge allegiance before the prayer and meal.
Now Amber has acquired some computers to add to the activity selection. HD with a little help from son, Jay and myself, set up six computers for them to use. HD gave a class for beginners last Thursday and had a senior at each computer.

It looks like from initial interest shown, there will be followup classes each Thursday morning. The computers have the basic word processor, spreadsheet and games, as well as connection to the internet. Everyone was very excited to learn and had lots of questions. It was really great to see so much interest.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool that you have those computers there for all to use!!! Love you guys!!
