She names all her dolls - BABY!!

This baby went everywhere with us - to HEB, to the resturants, to her Aunt Rosario's RV/house and on walks to the park.

She had a big day and fell asleep on the way home.

Baby with us at the restaurant.

Maggy sat at the table watching me sew and waiting for her new baby's little bear quilt. It started going everywhere with us as well.

The other doll was for her big sister, Kalina. She got it when she returned from her trip with her Mom.

I also made a doll quilt for Kalina.

I took two small purses for the girls as well. Maggy was not interested in hers until I showed her she could store Baby's extra clothes in it.

I don't know if you can see the swings that well but Maggy was in one and her Dad had to swing Baby in the other one!!!

At the Mall before went to the airport to pick up Mom and big sister, Kalina. Grandma had been reading a story before bedtime to Maggy. The night before the story was about a fire truck so that was the ride she decided on.

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