Thursday, May 3, 2012


After the singing at church last night, visiting with some church members, we got into a discussion about skunks. One member has one under his toolshed and was trying to figure out how to encourage it to make it's home elsewhere. He was told mothballs or fox urine would do it. An elder was laughing and said the perfect solution was to burn the building down!!! LOL

We related a couple of experiences we had with the little critters. When we lived in the country, six miles from town, we had all kinds of "visitors". Armadillos were in the yard on a regular basis so when we heard something under the house, that is what we figured iit was. DH opened the front access hole and said one of our little Dachshunds would flush it out. Meanwhile he opened the back access and when he peered under, there was a skunk sitting in the middle of the mothballs we had put under there!! He went back to the front and called the dog but she had already found the skunk - rather IT found her! She came out, DH got hold of her -  getting "perfumed" as well and put a leash on her for me to hold while he drove into town to the one and only grocery store. When he walked in, they just pointed and said "aisle 6 - tomato juice".  :)  It does work for getting rid of the smell but I didn't think we would ever get the smell out of the house. That critter sprayed right under the bathroom.
Now my experience was a bit different. I was on my way to work on my NEW motorcycle, just toodling down the service road on I20 when a skunk came out in front of me. I dodged it but it turned right in front of me. I thought I missed it but the odor remained so I stuck my foot out to see my tennis shoe and knew that I did not miss it. I went into the back way at work and used the water hose at the shop to hose my shoe and the bike down- didn't help! I continued to the parking lot, seeing a co- worker and asked him to tell my boss I would be late. He started to ask but the smell told him ALLl he needed to know. I went home and used the strongest cleaner I could find on my shoes and clothes and on my new bike. Still has a light lingering odor on the bike for awhile. When I went back to work a few hours later, I found all these yellow sticky notes all over my desk and office. "Good morning, Stinky" " Got Skunked", etc. LOL

1 comment:

  1. So funny! A few years ago I went home to see my folks. A skunk went under their house and daddy sealed it up. It died. He couldn't smell it but it was horrible and they had a crazy amount of beetles that were doing the clean up job under the house.
