We had to pass inspections constantly through the day - Daisy and Darlin' had to give their stamp of approval by getting petted VERY frequently. Even with the air stapler and compressor and hammer going, they stayed with us most of the day.
We only got a little way into the room and it was time to do the closet. I get to do all the layouts, measuring, etc. so if It is wrong, I did it! My DH is good at correcting my mis-measurements. I told him he could FIRE the help but he did not go for that.
It is difficult putting laminate in a closet that has an acess way under the house- we are on pier and beam. Got it all done in there except putting the laminate on the access panel door but will get to it tomorrow. I think it must be easier to put it down on a slab, where the floor doesn't bounce!! Yes, we need to do some work under the house too.
Since we didn't get as much done as we wanted today, all our bedroom furnishings are in and piled on the guest room bed, so THIS is where we are sleeping tonight! ( if this blog doesn't get posted in the morning, you will know I couldn't get up off the floor). I am tellin' you we are too old to keep remodeling houses!! One more room after this one. . One more room . . One more room . .
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